Friday, November 9, 2007

Day 2

The reason my name is double O negative is because I actually saw it on a Simpsons episode, in which Mr. Burns is dying and needs type Double O Negative blood to survive. Of course, that blood type does not exist. So now you know.

I had a bad day at school today. I lost my science folder yesterday, so I wasn't able to study last night. And because of that, I got a 77. My science teacher, Ms. Chandler, said I could make it up on Friday, and then she would average the two scores. If I get 100 on Friday, I'd average an 89. My math was confusing, and I didn't get it at all, until, like, the last 30 seconds, and I hate being lost in any class. The good news is that my math and Social Studies teacher showed me my grade for the first marking period, and I got a 100 in Social Studies and a 94 in Math.

By the way, Ms. Chandler is as dumb as a brick. She made us color in pumpkins in mid-October, and she says the science book is too complicated for her. Yecchh!

I have only one real friend, Sterling P. We sit together in all classes possible and always visit each other. But because of homophobia, everyone makes fun of us and says we're gay. (although we're obviously not)

Overall, a lot of things about my life stink.

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